First Visit

Patient Forms

Health History Form

On behalf of my staff, we would like to welcome you to our office and thank you for selecting us to consider your child’s dental health needs. Pediatric Dentistry, Ltd. is dedicated to providing the highest quality pediatric dental services in a modern, efficient and comfortable manner with its major emphasis on prevention. Our goal for children is to have them graduate from high school with all their teeth, with as few fillings as possible and with a good functional bite. We hope that we can sufficiently educate and motivate your children so they are prepared to prevent dental disease.

Our office, as well as the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, recommends that your child visit the dentist by his/her 1st birthday. Following a thorough review of your child’s medical and dental history your child’s first appointment will consist of a thorough examination. Most dental disease is preventable and we will provide educational assistance to assure your child a lifetime of excellent dental health. We may recommend x-rays to check for decay, infections in the bone, extra or missing teeth, position and location of unerupted teeth or any other abnormalities. We will examine the erupted teeth for decay lesions that need repair and also those that might be arrested without repair by the use of a preventive home care program, topical fluorides and plastic sealants. We will evaluate facial growth and development patterns of your child, try to note any tongue, lip, cheek or thumb habits that may influence the development of attractive teeth and determine if there is a need for any orthodontic treatment.

Prevention of Dental Disease

Dental caries (decay) and periodontal disease (gum infection) are preventable communicable bacterial infections that my be passed on from the primary caregiver to the child. It is essential we develop a partnership which consists of our staff, parents, and the patient to prevent dental disease and provide your child with a lifetime of excellent oral health. We will strive to educate parents and patients sufficiently to achieve this goal.

We firmly believe that preventive dental checkups are essential to the maintenance of oral health. We usually recommend dental exams and topical fluoride treatments every six months and cavity detecting x-ray films (bitewings) once every 12-18 months depending on previous dental history.

Behavior Management

To make your child’s visit to the dentist a pleasant one, there are some things you, as parents, can do. In discussing dentistry with your child, it would be helpful if you do not use the terms needles, shot, drill, pull, hurt or any other words which might have an unpleasant meaning. Every possible effort will be made to make the visit psychologically pleasant. We shall treat your child as our very own. The important thing is to do dentistry thoroughly and carefully. Please do not be upset if your child cries. Crying is a normal reaction to fear. Children may be afraid of anything new and strange to them. Kindness is the greatest contribution for overcoming fear and it must be our united objective to eliminate dental fears.

Most children who are old enough to understand and communicate are manageable in a typical office setting. It is our primary goal to make each visit pleasant and comfortable and our entire staff is dedicated to making your child’s visit fun. It is always easier to prevent problems than to have to do corrective treatment and it must be our united objective to work together for your child’s best interests. Each child is different and we will treat your child according to their individual needs and with input from their parents.

We invite you to stay with your child during the initial examination. During future appointments, we suggest you allow your child to accompany our staff through the dental experience. We can usually establish a closer rapport with your child when you are not present. Our purpose is to gain your child's confidence and overcome apprehension. However, if you choose, you are more than welcome to accompany your child to the treatment room. For the safety and privacy of all patients, other children who are not being treated should remain in the reception room with a supervising adult.

The Dental Home is intended to provide a place other than the Emergency Room for parents.

Motivational Charts

Your child will enjoy healthy dental habits when they use these Motivational Charts. Encourage regular brushing or help them break the thumbsucking habit.


Activity Sheets

Want something fun to do? Print one or all of the below Activity Sheets to see if you can conquer the Dental Crossword Puzzle, find all of the Hidden Toothbrushes, Unscramble the Dental Words, or find the Hidden Dental Words. We know you can do it!

Our Location

Find us on the map

Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm





